
On-site meeting in Lausanne English speaking

Digital Comms & Internal Comms Geneva/Lausanne

29 November 2024, 9.30 am – 4.00 pm
Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland
Amy Howard
Global Head of Internal Communication and Employee Engagement, Nestlé
Christian Lehmann
Head of collaborative systems domain, CHUV | Lausanne university hospital
Julie Bertolus
Moderator, Advatera
Laure Espie
Cheffe de projet digital, CHUV | Lausanne university hospital
Paule Goumaz
Responsable internet, CHUV / Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois

Join a knowledge-sharing meeting tailored for managers of internal communications and digital workplaces of the region.

  • CHUV: Our digital strategy; migration of web sites using AI. Laure Espie, Cheffe de projet digital
  • Employee experience built for Paris 2024. Blandine Potemsky, Olympic Commitee
  • Building A Strong Corporate Culture Through An Effective Internal Communication System. Dr. Julia Croce
  • Nestle Intranet Case Study
  • GenAI in internal and corporate communcations
  • Lots of time for open discussions

The meeting will be held in French and English.

Sign-up for this in-person meeting

Participation for Advatera members is of course at no extra charge. Guests are welcome on a one-time basis to get to know the group, only if space is available. Please sign-up and we will let you know. Sales free meeting, no registrations from agencies, consultants, sales people and vendors please. This is an on-site meeting at Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV) in Lausanne.