
Communications, Employer Branding, Crisis, Corporate - Paris

Expert group for experienced communications managers from France.

The expert group meets 3 times a year. The meetings are exclusively for practitioners and completely free of advertising. Vendors, agencies and consultants are not allowed to participate. This creates an open exchange.

The expert group for digital communications

UnternehmenskommunikationManagers of communications of complex companies and organizations or employees in similar roles who deal with the topic of communications in their daily work.

  • Head of communications
  • Manager communications
  • Corporate or Crisis Communications Managers
  • Employer Branding Specialist
  • External Communication Manager
  • Internal Communications Manager

Topics include

  • Strategy communications
  • Digitization of the communications
  • Role model as manager of communications
  • Employer Branding strategies
  • Crisis Management
  • Change communication
  • Project experiences and examples
  • Cooperation with within the project team (IT, business) and agency
  • Experiences with external partners
  • Layout of the corporate website & its content strategy
  • Organizational structure Corporate Communications
  • Automation in communication
  • Newsroom Concept
  • Voice Search, Conversational User Interfaces

The meetings are interactive. In addition to guest talks, there are workshops and open discussions. Plenty of space to bring your own challenges into the group and discuss them. Due to the regularity of the meetings, topics can be developed and discussed even over several meetings. Of course, the agenda is always designed in such a way that new participants can easily join the group.

Next community of practice meetings

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