
Advatera. Empowering you through knowledge sharing.

Empowering you through knowledge sharing.

Digitaler Workplace, Social Intranet & Internal Comms Vienna

Exchange of experience for ambitious managers in the area of digital internal communication, social intranet and digital workplace. Without participation of agencies and consultants, completely free of advertising. Informal benchmarking and experience reports from the real corporate environment.


  • 3 meetings for exchange of experience and informal benchmarking per year
  • Access to notes and slides from the meeting and participants
  • Exchange of experience on projects from the real business environment.
  • Totally free of advertising, no agencies and consultants.
  • Development of methodical competence
  • Professional moderation of the group by Advatera


  • Digital Mindshift – Concepts to support digital change in organisations. How digital internal communication can make a significant contribution.
  • Myth vs. reality: Technology trends for the digital workplace. Which new technologies will change digital internal communication in the coming years?
  • Which technologies should we rely on?
  • Social Intranet, Digital Workplace Case Studies and Demos
  • Change management and employee motivation
  • Intranet Strategy and Management
  • Digital Workplace Governance
  • Benchmarking and key performance indicators
  • Performance measurement
  • Project Management
  • Content strategy and navigation concepts
  • Topic management in internal communication
  • Newsroom and other organisational concepts of communication

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