
Social Intranet, Digital Workplace, Employee Experience Paris

Expert group for experienced managers of internal communication from France.

The expert group meets 3 times a year. The meetings are exclusively for practitioners and completely free of advertising. Vendors, agencies and consultants are not allowed to participate. This creates an open exchange.

The expert group for digital internal communication

UnternehmenskommunikationManagers of internal communications of complex companies and organizations or employees in similar roles who deal with the topic of internal communications in their daily work.
  • Head of internal communication
  • Manager internal communication
  • Intranet Manager
  • Digital Managers
  • Communications Manager
  • Manager digital workplace
  • Employee Engagement Manager
  • Head of Employee Experience

Topics include

  • Strategy internal communication
  • Digitization of internal communication
  • Role model as manager of internal communication
  • Social intranet
  • Intranet adoption
  • Project experiences and examples
  • Employee magazine
  • Communication channels of internal communication
  • Cooperation with within the project team (IT, business) and agency
  • Experience with agencies and vendors
  • Content strategy
  • Ideas and future vision for internal communication
  • Motivation of employees
The meetings are interactive. In addition to guest talks, there are workshops and open discussions. Plenty of space to bring your own challenges into the group and discuss them. Due to the regularity of the meetings, topics can be developed and discussed even over several meetings. Of course, the agenda is always designed in such a way that new participants can easily join the group.

Next community of practice meetings

  • Digital Communications
    23 January 2025, 9.30 am 4.00 pm
    Imerys, Paris, France
    Join a knowledge-sharing meeting tailored for internal and external communications managers of the Paris region. This interactive workshop is tailored for internal and external communications...

Sign-up for the next meeting...