
Advatera. Empowering you through knowledge sharing.

Empowering you through knowledge sharing.

Helene Duong

The BVA Family 
Internal Communications Director

Meet Hélène at the following events:

Internal communication and Digital Workplace - Paris

English speaking
2 October 2024, 9.30 am - 4.00 pm (Amsterdam/Berlin/Vienna/Zurich)
The BVA Family, Paris, France

Knowledge sharing group meeting for experienced internal communications managers from Paris and the surrounding regions.

  • Helene Duong will provide valuable insights into The BVA Family’s internal communications and their approach to the digital workplace. Attendees will also have the opportunity for a quick tour of their offices, showcasing digital communications on screen or their Studio. To top it off, Helene will share details about an exciting internal AI challenge they are organizing for October.
  • Preparing for the Future: Key Internal Communication Challenges for 2025
  • Navigating AI in Internal Communications: Practical Insights and Strategies
  • From Traditional Intranets to Integrated Digital Workplaces, including M365 Viva but also other vendors
  • Open Discussion on current internal communications challenges of participating organizations

Sign-up now for the meeting


Groupe de partage de connaissances pour les managers expérimentés en communication interne de Paris et des régions environnantes.

Helene Duong partagera des informations précieuses sur les communications internes de The BVA Family et leur approche du digital workplace. Les participants auront également l’opportunité d’une visite rapide des bureaux, présentant les communications numériques ou leur Studio. Enfin, Helene parlera d'un défi interne passionnant autour de l'IA qu'ils organisent en octobre.

  • Se prĂ©parer pour l'avenir : principaux dĂ©fis en communication interne pour 2025
  • Naviguer l'IA en communication interne : perspectives et stratĂ©gies pratiques
  • Des intranets traditionnels aux digital workplaces intĂ©grĂ©s, incluant M365 Viva et autres fournisseurs
  • Discussion ouverte sur les dĂ©fis actuels des organisations participantes en matière de communication interne


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