Subah Sanan Internal Communication Business Partner, Oikocredit
Expert group for experienced internal communication managers, digital managers, employee experience experts, and digital managers from Benelux
The Intranet Journey at Oikocredit, Subah Sanan, Internal Communication Business Partner at Oikocredit
Engaging employees across a multinational manufacturing company, Arlette Bax, Stahl
Stahl is a specialty coatings company that has over 1,800 employees spread across 34 offices and 11 manufacturing sites in 22 different countries. This presentation will discuss our communications and employee engagement challenges, what we are doing today and what we hope to accomplish in the future.
Further digital workplace case studies from group members
Microsoft Viva Connect, what to expect from future Sharepoint intranets
Discussions on the content component of the intranet
How is nice-to-know differentiated from need-to-know information?
Are there strategies to avoid information overkill?
How is content prioritized in other large companies?
Is information offered on a fetch principle, or is everything pushed?
Open discussion
Bring your current challenges along
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