
Advatera. Netzwerk für Kommunikations-, Marketing- und Digitalverantwortliche.

Netzwerk für Kommunikations-, Marketing- und Digitalverantwortliche.

Yannick Fasters

thyssenkrupp Materials Services 
Agile Project Manager @ Tribe Excellence & Performance I Digital Marketing, Transformation & Sales

Yannick Fasters hat bei diesen Terminen vorgetragen:

Navigating B2B marketing in times of uncertainty – A Story about an agile experiment that turned into best practice

Online Session English speaking
24. Mai 2023, 13:00 - 14:00 (Amsterdam/Berlin/Vienna/Zurich)

In this digital session, the story on how a team of driven individuals formed a tribe, dedicated to achieving excellence and high performance through agile project management will be explored. Discover how an experiment developed into a best practice that transformed the organization's culture and led to significant business success.
Yannick will talk about the ups and downs along the way and about how you can apply the lessons learned by the team to your own business. Join us for an inspiring discussion on the power of agile methodologies to drive digital transformation.